2022年5月6日 星期五


    The mirror does not cling to your picture.The mirror does not create a memory of you; the mirror will never think of you again.The mirror will never have any nostalgia, the mirror will never think, "How beautiful a person he was! And when is he going to come again?" And the mirror will not follow you—not even in thought, not even in dreams.The moment you disappear, you have disappeared.


This is non-attachment.When you are there, you are there.The mirror likes you, loves you, welcomes you, takes you to its very heart.But the moment you are gone, you are gone—the mirror is empty again.This is the whole secret of non-attachment:live in the world, but don"t be of the world.Love people, but don"t create attachments.Reflect people, reflect the beauties of the world—and there are so many.But don"t cling.The clinging mind loses its mirrorhood.


And mirrorhood is Buddhahood.


To keep that quality of mirroring continuously fresh is to remain young, is to remain pure, is to remain innocent.Know, but don"t create knowledge.Love, but don"t create desire.Live—live beautifully, live utterly, abandon yourself in the moment.But don"t look back.This is the art of non-attachment.





問:如何練習不要將我們的情緒加諸在別人身上,也不要壓抑自己? 答:表達和壓抑是同一個錢幣的兩面。它們是對立的,但是基本上它們並不是不同的。在表達和壓抑這兩者當中都是以對方為中心。我在憤怒——我壓抑我的憤怒。我本來要將憤怒對你表達,現在我對你壓抑我的憤怒,但不管是表達或壓抑,那個憤...